Thursday, July 18, 2013


The Kenyan elections have come and gone.  Although the losing presidential candidate challenged the outcome of the elections in the Supreme Court of Kenya, prayed the court to order a re-rerun, and failed.  He decided to abide by the outcome while promising to pursue his protest in alternative ways that would not threaten the peace of the country.  Ordinarily this should not call for comment.  Challenging election results is not uncommon in jurisdictions that found the legitimacy of government on the consent of the governed expressed through the instrumentality of the vote.  That this mode of choosing governors is not yet routine in Kenya and many other African countries is one reason that the recently concluded elections attract notice. 

Of greater significance is the sharp contrast between what happened this time and the aftermath of the last time Kenyans went to the polls.  More than 1,000 deaths, hundreds of thousands maimed and displaced and widespread destruction of property, were what greeted the outcome of the last Kenyan elections in late 2007 and early 2008.  Then, as now, the same candidate, Raila Oginga Odinga, lost out in the presidential polls.  The last time, mayhem broke out and this time, it has not.  That it has not is part of what calls for comment.

The absence of a resort to violence is a signal feature of the slow but steady progress that African countries have been making in the last twenty plus years when it comes to the installation of liberal democratic regimes in the continent.  It is necessary that we acknowledge, if not celebrate, this progress or, at least, chart it so that we have a benchmark for when there occur any regress.

In the specific Kenyan case, back in 2008, the opposition was convinced that the legal system was a farce; the Supreme Court was packed with cronies of the immediate past dictator of the country; and the part that the instrument of his misrule was the same part that had had victory awarded to it in the disputed elections.  In case anyone thought that this perception was limited to the opposition, it is noteworthy that the parliament that was elected in that same election eventually invited the international community to intervene to try those suspected of master-minding the post-election violence at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.  Their reasoning: Kenya did not have the political and judicial wherewithal to investigate and bring to book those who had sponsored the violence.

Since the 2007 election, a number of Kenyan politicians, including both the president-elect and his running mate, have been indicted by the International Criminal Court and their trial is pending.  Regardless of the sham accusation being leveled against the ICC for interference in Kenyan internal affairs, the effort to call to account those who caused mayhem makes the reign of impunity less attractive for African leaders in their conduct of public affairs in their countries.  Simultaneously, it kindles in ordinary people the expectation that offenders against human dignity and rights would no longer go free.

Next, the Supreme Court of Kenya was reconstituted as were the rest of the higher courts.  They were all subject to significant reforms towards ensuring that the judiciary stopped being an arm of the executive in all but name only.  Finally, a new constitution was written and adopted in a referendum that made the phrase, ‘We the people’, ring true for most of the adult population of Kenya for the very first time in her post-independence history.

Does anyone want to suggest that the Kenyan people were not taking any notice of these seminal, salubrious developments?  There is no more eloquent testimony of the heed that ordinary Kenyans pay to the altered political and legal landscapes than their willingness to, at least, allow their newly-minted impartial arbiters to do their work.

To grow the trust of African citizens in the institutions that govern their lives is the ultimate challenge that African countries have faced since colonialism ended and they received what was, at best, flag independence, and lack of practice at developing the requisite temperament for the practice of representative government.  It is only now that, having lived and suffered under and held back by myriad forms of misrule—one-party autocracies, military dictatorships, misbegotten radical regimes—that cared nothing for the consent of the governed, Africans are more committed than ever before to ensuring that they only live under governments that they themselves have chartered with their votes, freely cast.

This is why I believe that the Kenyan elections merit comment.  More important, still, Kenya is an exemplar of a trend that is discernible across the African continent.  In 2008, the winner of the presidential election in Ghana won by a whisker.  The losing candidate decided that four years was not too long to wait to unseat the winning party.  Before new elections were held last December, the incumbent president died in office.  He was routinely succeeded by his vice president who went on to win the presidential election for the ruling part.  The losing candidate had issues with the outcome: he headed to court.  There was no hint of any resort to self-help.  In Zambia, in 2011, the incumbent president lost in his re-election bid.  He routinely conceded defeat, lamenting: “we just did not reach the electorate this time around.”  Might I add that his running mate, the current vice president of Zambia, is a white Zambian?  Lastly, the people of Senegal in 2012 demonstrated the power of the ballot by throwing out of office an incumbent who manipulated the constitution and his handpicked Constitutional Court to declare himself eligible for an unconstitutional third term.  The Senegalese people thought differently.  In all the above cases, the usual expectation in the American media of descent into chaos was denied.  Africa is finally on the move, democratically, that is.

There is no more evidence of the unacceptability of extra-constitutional rule in the continent than in the refusal of the African Union and the regional grouping, Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS], to accept military coups in Mali and Guinea Bissau, respectively.  I conclude that we need to acknowledge the progress towards the entrenchment of liberal democratic tradition of organizing political life in the continent.  I cannot wait for that day when elections in Kenya and other countries would have become so ordinary that analysis like this one would become superfluous.

Monday, May 20, 2013


The latest, 2013, edition of the Africa Progress Report has just been released by the Africa Progress Panel whose membership includes Olusegun Obasanjo, Nigeria’s former president, and is headed by Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations.  Intense media attention has focused on the report’s lament that Africa has been receiving raw deals in negotiations with foreign investors doing business in the continent, especially in the mining sector.

Annan and the other members of the panel contend that “Africa can better manage its vast natural resource wealth to improve the lives of the region’s people by setting out bold national agendas for strengthening transparency and accountability.”  Here is the question that anyone who is keen to see Africa free from the trinity of ignorance, hunger, and disease should ask is: if Africa can, why is Africa not doing so?

This is a question that the press release [] does not bring up, much less address.  What it contains, instead, are platitudinous calls on “African governments” to “improve their governance and strengthen national capacity to manage extractive industries as part of a broader economic and developmental strategy.”  Additionally, the panel urged that “African governments should put transparency and accountability at the heart of natural resource policies, secure a fair share of natural resource revenue for their citizens, and spread the benefits of this revenue via equitable public spending.”

No doubt, this would not be the first time that these exhortations have been offered to African leaders.  They are mere platitudes.

Why do Africans and their leaders need a panel of eminent persons to know that they should be doing what any people and their leaders should do, as a matter of course, in the administration of their countries’ affairs: own their resources, exploit them for their collective welfare and the common good while ensuring an equitable distribution for all their citizens?  This is what happens in other continents.  I do not see the disparate countries of Asia evince a common desire of a similar nature.  Nor do we have similar exhortations directed at South American countries.

The very existence of the Africa Progress Panel [] and its operation represent such a curious anomaly.  From the preceding platitudes, the release segued into another familiar refrain of African life and thought: begging.  There are appeals to outsiders to please have mercy on good Africans and not rob blind them when they can.  Okay, they did not quite put it that way.  They only asked that the international community put in place mechanisms to help Africa stem the tide of tax evasion and avoidance by foreign operators in Africa and for international business to please “follow best practices on transparency, help build national capacity, procure more products and services locally, and raise standards in all areas of corporate accountability and responsibility.”

In this appeal to, this begging of, the international community to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves is to be found the ultimate cause of Africa’s failure to march in tandem with the rest of the world in more than half a century of independence in most of the continent’s countries.
What was the panel thinking?  As we say in Yorùbá, if you don’t take advantage of a fool when one is available, when do you think a wise person would let you?  Corporations are not the Salvation Army.  They are capitalist contraptions and profit-making is their primary reason for existence.

I hate to be personal but neither Bono nor Sir Bob Geldof, a member of the Africa Progress Panel, would retain their respective money managers were the latter to consistently report diminishing returns on the investments of our dear advocates of aid to Africa.  That is, one does not have to go the whole distance with Milton Friedman but I don’t think that South Korea, with only three natural resources—iron ore, tungsten, and seafood—became a global economic power by begging General Motors to play nice.  Nor have I found any record of South Korea sharing her agency with Euro-American celebrities or taking her cue from panels like the Commission for Africa struck by Tony Blair while he was the British Prime Minister.

It is almost as if we Africans are afraid of agency, of owning our resources, our continent, and being responsible for their fate.  We must be the only people who are happy to invite others to exploit our resources on our behalf and pay us a fraction—however big it may look—of the earnings.

To go back to my initial question: if Africa can better manage its vast natural resource wealth to improve the lives of its people, why is it not doing so?  Why does it, with such distinguished leaders as constitute the African component of the APP, not come up with a more solid diagnosis for these repeated failures?

I respectfully disagree with the claim that Africa can.  For if it can, there is no evidence of it in any part of the continent. We need a period of isolation from our “friends” in the international community, especially the aid industry, the perpetual commissions, panels, and the like, who all now cannot think of Africa except as a place of need where donors and other do-gooders are perpetually relevant.

Africa deserves the rotten deals it gets.  I can only hope that the deals get more rotten in the years ahead.  Agency is a very dangerous thing to exercise.  We have not taken our agency seriously since colonialism short-circuited its expression when it aborted the transition to modernity that Africans, under their own
steam, were executing in the early part of the 19th century once slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade ended.
The re-assumption of agency at the present time requires us to exhibit a different attitude to our history that is nowhere evident in our current situation.

One of the most egregious instances of Africa cooperating in its own abasement reported by the APP involves “five deals between 2010 and 2012, which cost the Democratic Republic of the Congo over US$1.3 billion in revenues through the undervaluation of assets and sale to foreign investors.”

Who is to blame?  The people who got the juicy deals?  I think not.  Unless, of course, we believe that the Congolese negotiators were victims of armed robbery or minors who were unconscionably dispossessed of their resources, we must conclude that they were fools who, as is usual, have been parted from their money.  As bad as this sounds, what is worse is the possibility that the Congolese negotiators knew what they were doing and were convinced that what they got was the best they could get or was pretty much what they think their resources were worth.  And that exactly is what the Congolese government has said in its push-back against the panel’s charge.

I ask: what is new?  The rain of unequal exchanges, [apologies to Samir Amin], did not start beating Africans only yesterday.  We did not only recently start making bad deals.  That Nigerians are eager to spend their patrimony on Dubai kitsch is only the most recent equivalent of age-old lack of self-respect that has been a part of our history beginning with the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  Back then we traded whole human beings in their prime or on the cusp of it for half-drunk bottles of whiskey, beads, and similar kitsch.

A genuine recovery of our agency and the self-respect that goes with it can only come from our asking and answering the following questions:  

·         why are we so cheap? 
·         Why are we so eager to sell ourselves for nothing? 
·         Why does it come so easily to us to invite others to tell our story on our behalf and then complain that they tell it so poorly? 
·         Why are we content to have others exploit our resources and give us chump change at the end? 
·         Why does it come so easily to us to barter our resources for other people’s kitsch, be those colour televisions, smartphones, or automobiles?

When we shall have answered these questions, we shall have made outfits like the Africa Progress Panel irrelevant.  A big bonus: Africans would never have to endure another visit from Bono, Geldof, Jeffrey Sachs, or Paul Collier.  The last time I looked, no Argentinian children were lining up to thank any of these men.  Africa, end your shame!  Only you can do it.

Published in

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I have always been a contrarian.  From as far back as I can remember in my conscious life, the opposite standpoint has always been my default stance.  It did not matter whether the context was a family discussion or a meeting or just ordinary conversations with friends and associates.  In my younger days, I often was the ‘abenugan’ in many contexts and, in fairness, given my basic impatient nature, too many times, I knew what was wrong with a position and voiced it before I permitted myself to appreciate what was right about it.  It requires no deep imagination to see that it was not a position that endeared me to many nor was it one that enabled me to make positive impressions on people at first meetings.  Those with whom I have been priviledged to have relations that survived my often brusque introductions to them have, over the years, found me worthy of their friendship which means living with my contrarian proclivities.
Have I always known that I was a contrarian?  Absolutely no!  Had I known that, I surely would have had a less unhappy pubescence and early adulthood.  Only with the approach of middle age and the never-ceasing self-doubt that is one of the hallmarks of a contrarian have I been able to come to an awareness of, and be at peace with, being a denizen of the contrarian community.
Needless to say, I cannot say that I became a contrarian because I knew what being a contrarian is or how to become one.  This is one situation where lived experience led back to a concern with definitions; where the deed was enacted before it was formulated in words.
Being at peace with always or most often being opposite, fully aware of being in error on not a few occasions while being cognizant that today’s wisdom might turn out to be next year’s folly, I propose to write a column in which, my editors permitting, I share with my readers my opposite takes on events, ideas, processes, practices, institutions, and personalities.  As should be obvious by now, this column does not proceed from a need to be provocative.  If what it offers is ever provocative, it is not so by design.  I call it as I see it and, given the preceding rendering of who I am, it is to be expected that it would often end up dancing to the beat of a different drummer.
I am fully aware that ours is not a society that is very kind to heterodoxy or one that celebrates difference.  If you often and unwaveringly oppose accepted wisdom in our society, your associates—family, friends, coworkers, students—never fail to remind you that the one whose head is used to crack the coconut never gets to partake of it; that no one is an island; that the occasional opposition is okay, and so on.  Yet, we all know that there is no instance in history where a society, culture, or civilization has moved forward with widespread conformity.  Humanity has progressed thanks largely to its meager supply of never-say-die oppositionists. 
No, I do not seek to don the mantle of a world-changer.  But if what I write in these pages forces even a handful of readers to become aware that more than one road leads to the town square and be desirous of exploring those alternate routes, my purpose shall have been served.  If in the process I lead my readers to some cul de sacs, I offer my apologies in advance; but that will be par for the course.  I can only hope that that does not happen too often and when it does, dear readers, you can be sure that it is not part of the plan.
For the rest, I look forward to a feast of ideas to which my readers are expected to contribute even as they partake of what is on offer.